No time to think
Since Diagrams: Show Me has gotten popular, first the Plugin, now the GPT, I have been meeting with more people - people reach out to me suggesting to work together, to chat, to discuss something.
[Autocompleted by copilot] I have been trying to be open to these interactions, but I have noticed that some of them are not going anywhere. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, or if it is just the nature of things. I have been thinking about what to do about these interactions. [tab complete ended]
Copilot is annoying - its like propoganda that skips the thinking process alltogether. It appears as if you though it. This is a very basic observation. It is also a roast on your own thoughts and continuasly reminding us that the machines are about to take over. I read what it output and think - fuck, that might have been roughly what I would think - I just didn't have enough time to think that yet. Its a little undermining devil always 100s of tokes ahead of you.
Continuing original thought after disabling copilot.
Most new contacts don't go anywhere. I have gotten more agressive with filtering who I meet with, but the main filter is basically how much do you want to meet? Are you opened to us laying more cards on the table before hopping on a call? People usually are. During the call people sound excited, with next steps to take roughly planned out.
I met with a pharmacist who wanted to create diagrams for doctors which they can use as references when diagnosing / performing some procedure / administering treatment. Like build your own chains aka sweet greens having print outs showing how to make different stock salads glued above the prepped ingreedient trays. Great fucking idea! We talked, I made a couple of suggestions, basically criticising their current approach, they left saying they will reach out back to me in a week or two.
Months have gone by. I will never hear from them again. What happened? I am not invested enough to find out.
Next. Friends of my family and parents of a good old friend of mine. Reached out - want to sell / build a team making eterprise AI solutions. I have suggested they focus on sales. Said I am interested but it will be hard to afford me at this time. I only sell out for a high price as I am fortunate enough to have little responsibilities in my life and be sitting on a minor stash from the previous ludicrous rental of my skills.
I suggest they talk to my brother about sales. I let the brother know. Nothing happens as far as I know. We spent an hour talking. Maybe more. We were totally fine spending 3 people hours on this - and also totally fine to not have any followup actions.
Similar frustration comes up when I realize how little I postprocess on the entertainment in my life. I want a movie. At best I will discuss this with a friend. At best. Most of the movies / shows I have watched by myself - and you won't see any reflection there. I have been trying to break that habbit lately by messaging self on telegram with a short review on the movie. You will say - well movies and shows is when I try to enjoy the moment, relax - let the fucking screenwriters worry about breaking that shit down into pieces and spitting it at one another [I mean it in the best possible way, spitting is fun]. The problem is - this is a pattern that just shows up everywhere I look in my life. And I have a feeling this shows up in most people's lifes. This reminds me of the sick system essay / blog post my friends introduced me to suggesting my relationship was a sick system, but thats another story. The point is - we jump from meeting to meeting, from movie to movie, from task to task, thought to tought, X
to Y
, not X, reflect(X) |> ideallyPersist, Y
. The interactions have a dead end because for them not to, we need to reflect, figure what do we want to do - do we choose to continue or do we choose to put a period. Either way, my strong belief is we should reflect. Without the reflection piece I believe I have went on with my life with this thing nagging me - yes, that thing, is totally happening, you did well, there is still a chance it will flourish. Wrong. It died. Silently. Without dignity. As my brother and I would say in the end of a PUBG or Population One match spent looting and then dying in our first and last encounter of the match with the winner - "besslavnaya katka". Yes, this analogy is "podtianutaya za ushi", but I don't give a fuck - its my blog. Yo.
There is a whole other question of why we don't reflect. Why I don't reflect. Its tedious, its not a habbit. People around us don't do it, so its not culturally engrained in us. [Hook] to pull more thoughts.
So lets reflect. Jesus I almost missed this step. See what I am talking about!! This is what I have to deal with all the time.
I don't allocate time to reflecting post doing something. This prevented me from critically thinking about my next step. Changing this behavior is hard - any habbit is hard to aquire, and this one is one of the all encompasing, almost life philosophy ones. This class of habbits is the hardest in my book. I am slowly making strides in the right direction. The whole blog idea - is basically that - reflecting in written form. Allocating time to think. Thinking with the help of a canvas to prevent magical thinking, improve idea recall etc etc.
What can I do to reflect more?
Set this as one of the year goals? This year I will reflect the shit out of my activities. Again. Don't over do it.
- I had versions of this - go write it out (tomorrow, its already late, enough of the reflecting and thinking how to improve this process)
Reflection is triggered by a thought provoking activity. Today I started reflecting with the movie Dune 2. I started writing down my thoughts on the movie. I don't even remember how the thought of this article came about
- So when down - do a provocative activity
- Next - do nothing - meditate fucker - that next movie, game, [distracting activity] wants to eat you alive, it wants to keep the sick system running, it wants you busy. Take a pause. Do nothing. This has worked for you many of times. Is one of the main suggestions from your therapy sessions.
Write a program to help me with this post activity reflections? Motion assistant should be a good fit for this