[rant] Kill PC at 12 if not in sleep mode
Life is fucking difficult. Writing philosophical shit does not really have much meaning to it apart from sentemental value to the writer and validating the reader's human condition. Thats literally it. Writing should be more technical informational for any other kind of usefulness. I am saying very obvious things and I don't really give a fuck. I have been so frustrated with myself for not writing that it is currently 3:24 am and I was just thinking how important it is to wind down before sleep and that.
I should literally setup some automation to kill my screen at a certain time. Like when wind down notification is recieved 45 min before sleep a count down has to start for 5 minutes to wrap shit up commit push whatever but it has to be an actual hard dead line. Electronics has to die. Or I will without ever becoming good at anything because of never figuring out my sleep schedule. At least thats what I will tell my monkey brain.
I love monkey brain the phrase, it so well describes the dumbness but inventivness of our neural network. Look at me and my fancy words I am so fucking smart oh yeeesss. Also I missed typing ... I am not using voice control wich I probably should rn. But oh well health is already put on a back burner when this is happening in the middle of the night. Things need to be logged. All things need to be logged. If things are not logged we are missing history. And not knowing history for nations leads to war and not knowing history for what you are seeing on your fucking screen what you are doing physically or online or in the bran :D leads to my life. Thinking the same shit almost every single fucking day. Just being stuck in a loop. And this is not only my experience. Literally everyone has to be this way [edit: definetely not the case]. We have to commit to certain patterns, its just a question of healthiness as well as variability within those patterns. I need to calm the fuck down why did I dricnk that stupid coffee today ... . How many works is this this took me 10 minutes to write. I think I am done. Attempt 2 2 go 2 bed.